Exchange of information between pension funds and the CCO

On 1 July 2024, new provisions on the exchange of information between pension funds and the Central Compensation Office of the OASI (CCO) came into force. The new art. 58a LOB stipulates that pension funds can send enquiries to the CCO via the 2nd Pillar Central Compensation Office to clarify pensioners' benefit entitlements. This query option replaces the e-mail exchange of password-protected Excel files between the pension funds and the CCO.

The existing direct enquiry options via e-mail of the 2nd pillar institutions with the CCO regarding the OASI number and proof of life (UPIViewer and UPIServices) will continue as before.

General Information

The CCO now provides the following data to the 2nd Pillar Central Office, provided thatit is available in the central registers or in a separate database:

  • The name of the OASI compensation office that pays the pension;
  • the date of death of the pensioner;
  • the civil status of the pensioner;
  • the marital status of the surviving spouse;
  • the pensioner's address;
  • the address of any surviving beneficiaries;
  • the date of the last life certificate;
  • the child's or orphan's pension paid out.

A portal solution has been set up at the LOB Guarantee Fund for the exchange of information between the pension funds and the CCO.

You can register here.

Data exchange CCO

The pensioner data (13-digit OASI number and pension fund registration number) must be transmitted in csv format. A maximum of 10,000 lines can be transmitted per enquiry, as the CCO does not answer more enquiries per day. The CCO processes enquiries at night (between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m.). An answer can therefore be expected the next day at the earliest. If we receive enquiries from various pension funds for a total of more than 10,000 pensioners per day, these are forwarded to the CCO in stages (10,000 per day) and a response may take longer than one day.

To process your data correctly, we require a standardised data format (CSV).

Your file must consist of the following boxes:

  • Column A: OASI number (13 digits);
  • Column B: Register number of the LOB Guarantee Fund of your pension scheme (e.g. GE123; BLNR34; ZH1234).

The file must not contain a header.

Access to the portal is via 2-step identification. The 2-step identification is carried out either via an authenticator app or via your mobile number.

Contact information 2nd Pillar Central Office

Would you like to send questions to the 2nd Pillar Central Office?

We gladly respond to written requests.

2nd Pillar Central Office
LOB Guarantee Fund
Business office
P.O Box 1023
3000 Berne 14

Phone: +41 31 380 79 75
Fax: +41 31 380 79 76

Data security and data protection
All personal data made available to the LOB Guarantee Fund will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act and protected against unauthorised processing by appropriate technical measures.