Several companies join in a single staff benefits foundation

Complicated case:
several companies join in a single staff benefits foundation

For LOB pension purposes, four independent businesses in the Emmental region join together to form the joint «Holz Burgdorf» benefit foundation (independent benefit scheme with Stop-Loss re-insurance). The firms concerned are B. Hurni AG, Joiners of Burgdorf; Kohli Sawmill of Burgdorf; Lüthi Joinery/Window Factory of Oberburg and Bürgi Carpentry Works of Hasle. Two of these companies have a favourable age structure and two an unfavourable structure. This must be determined for each company (the employer) according to LOB (Art. 58 para. 4 LOB ). This benefit scheme therefore has four employers with a total of 202 employees. Total coordinated wages CHF: 6,281,725.- Total pension credits CHF: 666,250.- As percentage of coordinated wages: 10.61%

Overall therefore no subsidy is due for this benefit scheme. We show below one possible way of determining these fundamentals. The numbers are of course once again taken from correctly kept pension accounts aggregated for each firm.

The list shows us that the subsidies for two employers with an unfavourable age structure total CHF 2,916.-. Kohli Sawmill, Burgdorf and Lüthi Joinery/Window Factory of Oberburg, have a favourable age structure. Bürgi Carpentry Works of Hasle has insured one category of employees with a different benefit scheme, i.e. the Emmental Trades benefit scheme in Langnau.

List for the contribution calculation in respect of subsidies with the Guarantee Fund as of 31.12.2020

(applies only to benefit schemes registered according to Art. 48 LOB)

  • Enter the total of all coordinated wages on lines 1.1 and 2.1 and the contribution of 0.12% from 1.1 on line 1.2 (from assessment year 2013 the contribution is 0.08%).
  • The total of all pension credits can be entered on line 2.4.
  • On lines 2.2.1 and 2.5.1, Bürgi Company of Hasle appears as an employer with several benefit schemes.
  • On lines 2.2.2 and 2.5.2, the coordinated wage totals must be entered pro rata or age credits shown for companies with a favourable age structure.
  • The total of the coordinated wages eligible for a subsidy and the pension credits likewise entitled to a subsidy can be calculated (lines 2.3 and 2.6).
  • Enter 14% of the coordinated wages entitled to the subsidy on line 2.7 and calculate the difference from line 2.6. The subsidy of CHF 911.- coincides with that for the Hurni company.

(applies to all benefit schemes)
Now complete Part B using the balance sheet, operating accounts and notes to the annual statement of accounts.

  • Enter the total of all regulatory termination benefits pursuant to Art. 2 FZG on line 3.1. Add the corresponding reporting date 31.12.xx. As a rule this will be 31.12 of the assessment year. In an exceptional case, the latest value calculated according to Art. 24 FZG must be shown.
  • Enter the total pensions paid (retirement, disability, spouse, children and orphan’s pensions) from the operating account or pension accounts of the assessment year on line 3.2 and multiply by 10.
  • Enter the total from lines 3.1 and 3.2 on line 3.3 and the contribution of 0.005% calculated on the total of line 3.3 on line 3.4 on the right outer side.
  • Enter the difference between the contributions due and the subsidy (lines 1.2 plus 3.4 less 2.8) on line 4.1 in favour of the Guarantee Fund (enter any balance in favour of the benefit scheme on line 4.2).
  • Stamp and signatures of the benefit scheme and auditor. Send in the form and pay the contribution due (any balance in favour of the benefit scheme will be credited by the Guarantee Fund).