From 2024, the LOB Guarantee Fund will collect the annual supervisory levy for system and overall supervision instead of the direct supervisory authorities (art. 56 para. 1 let. i. LOB). The levy is…
At the request of the Board of Trustees of the Guarantee Fund, the Federal Occupational Pensions Regulatory Commission (OAK BV) has approved the following contribution rates for the assessment year…
Exchange of data between occupational benefits institutions and the Central Compensation Office of the OASI (CCO)
In May we informed that the Guarantee Fund is planning a portal solution for the exchange of information between occupational benefits institutions and the CCO in accordance with Art. 58a LOB. Work on…
New requirements for the exchange of information between pension funds and the Central Compensation Office of the AHV (CCO) will come into force in mid-2024. It is important to note that the existing…
At the request of the Board of Trustees of the Guarantee Fund, the Federal Occupational Pensions Regulatory Commission (OAK BV) has approved the following contribution rates for the assessment year…
After twenty years, Daniel Dürr will hand over the Management of the Implementing Office of the Guarantee Fund to Cinzia Corchia at the end of May 2023. He will continue to handle special tasks for…