Foundation Board

The Foundation Board is the supreme body of the Guarantee Fund.
It is made up of three representatives of the employees, three representatives of the employers, two representatives of the public administration and one member who does not belong to any of these groupings. The Federal Council elects the representatives of the employees and employers acting on a proposal from the top-level organisations and the representatives of the public administration on a proposal by the Federal Department of the Interior. It elects the ninth member of the Foundation Board on a proposal made by the members who have already been elected (Art. 4 and 5 SFV).


  • Dr. Edith Siegenthaler, Travail.Suisse, Berne

Representatives of the Employees Organisation

  • Roger Bartholdi, Schweizerischer Bankpersonalverband, Zurich
  • Dr. Edith Siegenthaler, Travail.Suisse, Berne
  • Dr. Gabriela Medici, Swiss Trade Union Confederation, Berne

Representatives of the Employers Organisations

  • Barbara Zimmermann-Gerster, Swiss Employers Confederation, Berne
  • Christelle Schultz, Fédération des Entreprises Romandes FER, Geneva
  • Hans-Ulrich Bigler, Swiss Commercial Federation, Berne

Representatives of the Public Administration

  • Pascal Charmillot, Departement of Finance of the Canton of Jura, Delémont
  • vacant

Independent member

  • Prof. Dr. Corinne Widmer Lüchinger, University of Basel, Basel

The Foundation Board takes all measures necessary for the management and representation of the LOB Guarantee Fund. It

  • determines the contribution rates and submits them to the Occupational Pension Supervisory Commission (OPSC) for approval;
  • supervises the activity of the Business Office;
  • represents the Foundation in relation to the supervisory authority and the cushioning scheme;
  • entrusts the business office with the management and representation of the Guarantee Fund;
  • concludes contracts within the framework of the purpose of the Foundation;
  • issues regulations;
  • appoints the auditors and occupational benefit experts as well as the governing bodies of the Business Office;
  • determines the investment organisation as well as the medium- and long-term investment strategy;
  • sets the technical interest rate and the other technical bases;
  • decides on matters of fundamental importance to the provision of benefits and the interpretation of Guarantee Fund regulations;
  • ensures the initial and continuing training of Foundation Board members;
  • submits the Annual reports and Annual financial statements to the Supervisory authority;
  • decides on the issuance of expert opinions on draft federal legislation and on proposed amendments to legal provisions regarding the Guarantee Fund.